Welcome note by Jochen Schümann, Commodore YCBG
Dear Yngling Sailors!
On behalf of the Yacht club Berlin–Grünau and myself I would like to give you a warm welcome to the world championship of your boat class on my home territory, the Müggelsee in Berlin. As a former Soling sailor, I feel like we are so to say related – thanks to the Norwegian Jan Linge.
When I was eleven, I started as an Optimist sailor here on this lake. Henceforth the Müggelsee became my second home. In the following decades I spent thousands of hours here with training and competition and I am still convinced it is among the most appealing lake sailing areas out there. I know virtually all my fellow club members would agree. Originating from the Müggelsee they have a say in international competitive sailing!
I invite you knowing that my Club has great experience and competence in organising high level sailing events. The very first European championship of the Soling class in 2015 here on the Müggelsee is eloquent testimony for that.
Last but not least my home city Berlin will appeal to you as a unique European metropolis rich with forests and lakes and with a certain time-spirit after the reunification in 1989.
We are looking forward to you being world championship participants of the Yngling class in Berlin in 2020!
Jochen Schümann
You’ll find all further information (and registration) on www.ynglingwm2020.com.

Information about the the charter boat programme and IYA subsidy here.