Dear Yngling Sailors,
Thank you for a fantastic week at the Worlds in Sundby Sejlforening. 48 boats participated, which we think was a big success.
We started with 2 ½ days of measuring on Saturday and Sunday. Monday, we had the practice race in a fairly strong wind, so not all of us came to the starting line. In the evening, we had the opening ceremony with speeches, burgers and a blues band.
The racecourse was 4 nautical miles east of the harbour in the open water of Øresund. With perfect wind forecast and temperatures around 20 Celsius, the World Championship was set for success.
Tuesday was the first race day and we had three fantastic races in good wind of 12 – 14 knots. Wednesday, we also had 3 races in wind conditions 10-12 knots. Thursday was spare day and there was time for sightseeing in Copenhagen. Due to the absence of wind on Friday, we had to wait for a long time before calling off the day.
Saturday the wind was back, and it seemed like there were 4 candidates for the title. After 9 races and a steady performance, NOR 405 (Joakim Skovly, Kjell Henanger and Stian Soltved) took it home. Congratulations to all the winners.
The big tent hosted nation parties and the official dinner, with a lot of good food and wine tasting
It was now time to talk about the race of the day and do „you remember last time“?
Overall, we had a wonderful week with more than 50 volunteers who helped make the event run smoothly. Thanks to all race officers, judges, sailors, and volunteers. Without you, there would be no Worlds.
DYK and the IYA deserve our thanks for their collaboration during the last year of preparation and during the event.
Jesper Lorents, Sundby Sejlforening
Final results can be seen here, pictures can be found here.