News from the AGM 2020

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held on the 2nd October, 2020. This was the first AGM held via web conference with participants from Australia, Austria,Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Unites States. Some of the key topicswere: The first New Yngling since 2013 has been … Continued

The new Yngling is almost finished

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The new Yngling is almost finished. The hull is ready and measured, currently the fittings are mounted at the Mader wharf in Germany. The Yngling family can look forward to the first boat since 2012. The new owner, Jürg Wenger … Continued

Yngling invests in its future

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In 2004 and 2008 the Olympic sailing competitions for women were held on the Yngling. The Olympic teams then sold their boats, so that the need for high-quality regatta boats was initially met. After interest in the Yngling boat class … Continued

Cancellation Yngling Worlds 2020

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Dear all, We hope this mail finds you well and healthy. The Yacht Club Berlin Grünau (YCBG) has informed us, that they cannot host the Worlds in July 2020. The restrictions imposed by the german government and the City of … Continued

Worlds Berlin Corona update

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Dear all, here is an update to the World Championship Berlin 2020. The host club has indicated that the organization of the event will be difficult, both due to Corona and also due to the shortfall of sponsorships. We as … Continued

Update around Corona and the season

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Corona is impacting all our activities, but sooner or later Corona will disappear. The organising team of the Worlds (Yachtclub Berlin-Grünau, German Yngling Association and IYA) is closely mo-nitoring the situation. We follow the recommendations of World Sailing as well … Continued