Build New Yngling – how the boat was built
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Please have a look into the Notice of Race for the Worlds 2021 in Berlin Germany
Two major events we are looking forward to are… Riva del Garda – Springtime Championship, June 4-6, 2021 We will soon read about “The 10 Reasons why Yngling Sailors should not miss a Regatta on Lake Garda“ in the Yngling … Continued
Chris Harper (Australia) has served the Class for decades and has done a lot with respect to publicity and appearance of our Class. We want to honour his engagement with the “Chris Harper Trophy for Publicity” to be awarded to … Continued
The meeting minutes are accessible on the IYA Meetings page.
held on the 2nd October, 2020. This was the first AGM held via web conference with participants from Australia, Austria,Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Unites States. Some of the key topicswere: The first New Yngling since 2013 has been … Continued
Since the World could not take place, the host sailing club is inviting us to participate in the “Nebelbokal”, which is going to take place at the same venue in Berlin as the worlds. Which means, you can get a … Continued
The new Yngling is almost finished. The hull is ready and measured, currently the fittings are mounted at the Mader wharf in Germany. The Yngling family can look forward to the first boat since 2012. The new owner, Jürg Wenger … Continued
Dear all,We are happy to inform you about the new international regatta program 2020 – 22. Uncertain times are behind us, they are not over yet. All the more we want to look to the future with confidence – this … Continued