This section contains messages and notices from the Measurers on things that can be useful to know about your Yngling and the Rules. Remember that the latest issue of the Class Rules can always be found on World Sailing’s website.

The following activities have been done by the Technical Committee during the year 2024:

Class Rule changes per January 1st, 2025:

The 2025 Class Rules are available on the World Sailing web page Various changes have been made. All changes are housekeeping related. These were necessary due to changes in the RRS and ERS.

Technical Committee Meeting 2024

The annual meeting of the International Technical Committee was held as an online meeting. Topics discussed were:

  • Rule C.5.1 (b) Transportable accessories:
    • After consultation with World Sailing, it was agreed that the Racemaster T070 compass may be used. The condition for a compass in the Yngling Class is that it does not contain any GPS component.
    • Note: GPS operated devices (e.g. smart phones, watches, etc.) are prohibited unless otherwise stated in the NOR or the SI.
  • High floor:
    • The high bottom is part of the License Agreement between World Sailing and the builders and cannot be removed. The consequence is that a boat which is to be equipped with a high bottom must buy it from a licensed shipyard.
    • Note: After the installation of a raised floor, the measurement certificate expires, and the boat must be re-measured.
  • New Yngling:
    • The intention of the class is to have its own form to be independent of the shipyards. See also new Yngling project.
  • New Sail Label:
    • The new Sail Labels start with number 13641
    • Labels have a larger diameter than the old ones (85 mm instead of 77 mm)
      The layout is slightly different
New Yngling project:

At the 2024 AGM in Gmunden it was decided that the IYA will aim to buy an own set of Yngling moulds to enable the class to have the future in its own hands. Most of the construction moulds have been scrapped in the meantime. After a thorough assessment, the moulds from Mader were purchased.
Mader is currently the only licensed Yngling shipyard.
With the purchase of the moulds, a concept was developed to make the construction and purchase of a new Yngling more attractive again.
Steps that are currently being evaluated:

  • Evaluating if there are alternative building sites that can be used
  • Offering different packages like e.g.
    • Hull only (including keel, rudder, stanchions)
    • Hull with pre-drilled fitting holes
    • Hull with fittings (pre-defined standard fitting)
    • Hull with fittings and rigging
    • Hull with fittings, rigging and safety equipment
  • Boats will be built using vinyl ester resin and infusion process as we did with the last Yngling that was built

March 2014

All competitors in the Travemunde World Championships, should be aware that because the event is to be held off shore inspections will focus on safety and boat preparedness. I suggest competitors review all the Class Rules to ensure compliance particularly the older boats.
Peter A Carter.
Chief Measurer.

March 2013

Good News! Low floor boats can now sail in future Regattas at a weight of 630 kilos. They must comply with all other aspects of the CLass Rules.
P.A. Carter,
I.Y.A. Chief Measurer.

The updated class rules are in affect from march 2013 and can be seen on Apart from allowing old boats to sail at 630kg all olympic sailing references have been removed.

June 2012

All Yngling Sailors should check the Class Rules, in particular the additions of a new Spinnaker cloth that has been added to those already approved. Skippers intending to sail at the European Regatta at Aarhus in July 2012 should ensure that if they have a boat which has its deck beams joined to the hull they will not be able to sail until they are rectified, in accordance with the Class Rules.
P.A. Carter,
I.Y.A. Chief Measurer.

June 2012

Class Rules. The only chages that have occurred in the 2011 V2 and 2012 Rules was the inclusion of two new spinnaker cloths.
Peter A Carter
IYA Chief Measurer.

November 2011

All Yngling Sailors intending to compete in the World Championships
in Sydney Australia in 2011/2012, should ensure that their spinnakers
comply with Appendix 1 – Approved Spinnaker Sail Cloth types, of the
Class Rules and that the Sailmakers Cloth Certification is present on the
P.A. CARTER, I.Y.A. Chief Measurer.

January 2011

Deckbeams on Petticrow built boats, pdf file